Year of the Horse

They say the way you start the year is the way you will spend it.

So get it right.

No pressure.

2014 is the Year of the Horse.

Which apparently means the year in front of us will be one of elegance, power, energy, stability and perseverance.

I'm hoping all of this is true. And so far, 2014 has had a solid start.

I spent the new year in sunny San Diego visiting a dear friend. A fellow traveller. We spent the lead up to the new year with warm weather, beaches, bike rides, hikes and all sorts of class.

Straight out of the gates, 2014 got it right. At midnight I received an unexpected, but welcome, New Year's Kiss. As I went to clink my glass and wish a happy new year to this new person, I was happily shocked when instead of my glass, he went straight in for the first kiss of the new year.

So if the saying holds true, I'll either be getting lots of random, unexpected kisses from men in bars throughout 2014 (I hope not) or maybe it means I might actually find some sort of relationship this year and put to death the fears of my parents and family that I'll forever be Bridget Jones  -  but B in her pre Mr. Darcy phase; or at least silence my brother, who in his own words told me over Christmas that I would "be one of those women who has kids at 40" because, you know, that is what 'City' women do.

If he wasn't my brother I might have slapped him.

I probably should have.

Anyway, new year's day continued as well as it began. I spent the day with new and old friends in new places. From banana pancakes and bacon for brunch with college friends, to bingeing on the CW's 'Reign' in the middle of the afternoon (Yes, Reign. Watch it. You too will be addicted), to bonfires on the beach and sunsets over the ocean. And the day's finale was spent listening to one of my dearest friends serenade myself and a few others at an impromptu gig on a piano in the basement of a theatre/bar in the dark, with a free round of Whiskey provided by the bar staff (it was all very 'Phantom of the Opera. I was her faithful sidekick, who held the flashlight).

The first day day of the new year was a perfect one. I couldn't ask for a better day and I question if the rest of the year will be able to live up to this one. It all happened so smoothly.  Relaxed, stress free and full of wonderful surprises. It ended as it began - by staying up till midnight - but this time instead of a bar and a midnight kiss, it was a bar and a burrito. And brownies.

They say the way you start the year is the way you will spend it.

I hope so.

And I now expect the new year to be full of new faces in new places with lots of great food and fresh experiences. And maybe a kiss or two. And brownies.

And perhaps more sun and beaches.

And private concerts.

But maybe I'm getting to greedy now.

2014 our hopes are high.
